(Liste) Escallonia Terrii
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This is an exceptional evergreen thanks to its fragrance.
Escallonia terrii. Caring for escallonias is not difficult. Enjoy nearly year round rosy red flower clusters on this upright compact evergreen shrub. Takes well to shearing. Escallonia terri lou allen compact pink escallonia a fast growing evergreen shrub that forms a rounded screen or hedge. The glossy green leaves offer a pungent aroma while the flowers have a light sweet smell. This neat compact mound of finely textured dense shiny green foliage and showy clusters of tiny rich crimson pink trumpet shaped flowers creates a splendid low border hedge. A great choice for a screening or hedge plant with fine dense foliage that responds well to shearing.
Works well as a low maintenance edging groundcover low hedge or container specimen. Escallonia terri submitted by evergreen nursery on thu 12 27 2012 2 42pm. Escallonia terri escallonla feet plant named prior art date 1981 03 16 legal status the legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Escallonia x terri lou allen escallonia x terri lou allen. Escallonia shrubs are versatile shrubs perfect for a flowering hedge or specimen planting. Thrives in coastal conditions. Dark green glossy foliage.
Leaves are oval glossy and dark green. For more please watch the video. Escallonia terri dwarf escallonia. Small rose red flowers in summer and fall. Clusters of small pink flowers bloom from spring to fall. For more information on this and other plants please vis. Escallonia terri lou allen is a medium sized evergreen shrub.
Coastal gardeners in u s. Escallonia terri common name. Masses of sweetly scented summer to fall blooms amid spicily aromatic glossy green leaves put escallonias escallonia spp among the showiest of ornamental shrubs. Escallonia terri lou allen is.